Classical, Music

Reyk­javik Op­era Days: Day­pass in Harpa

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9.990 kr

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Saturday 2nd November - 12:00



Sing, sister! - Reykjavík Opera Days Festival Programme in Harpa on November 2nd 

The daypass is valid for these events: 

12:00 Dreaming while awake - Norðurljós
12:30 Sing, sister - lunchtime recital - Hörpuhorn
13:30 The fate and stories of women - Norðurljós
15:00 Singing in flow - Hörpuhorn
16:00 mother:land - Norðurljós
19:00 Pierrot lunaire - Norðurljós
21:00 Scent - & sound games / And the self appears - Norðurljós


Óperudagar 2024

The ticket prices are as follows:


9.990 kr.


Norðurljós is a recital hall on Harpa’s second floor, situated between Eldborg and Silfurberg. It offers various possibilities for concerts, conferences, receptions and other events.