Good times

Meetings in Harpa

Bókaðu fundar­her­bergi og veitingar

Í Hörpu er fjölbreytt aðstaða fyrir fundi og hvert rými er búið fyrsta flokks tækjabúnaði.

Nú er hægt að bóka fundarherbergi og veitingar á netinu á einfaldan og öruggan máta.

Láttu góðar hugmyndir verða að veruleika í fallegu umhverfi Hörpu.

Harpa /

Harpa´s Family Programme

Harpa's family programme should be accessible to all children and families; regardless of their finances, origin, language or home. Emphasis is placed on participation, experience, education, diversity and multiculturalism when creating the programme. Free admission.

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About Harpa

Shop and Restaurants in Harpa

Harpa is a cultural and social centre in the very heart of the city where guests can enjoy a variety of events, restaurants, and more. Please give yourself plenty of time, enjoy a meal or a drink before an event.

Host your event at Harpa

Harpa has received numerous awards, both for its architecture and as a concert and conference centre. The venue offers one of the best facilities in Northern Europe, situated by the picturesque Reykjavík harbour in the city centre everything you need is within reach.

Harpa Residents

Harpa´s residents, Iceland Symphony Orchestra, The Icelandic Opera and Reykjavik Big Band nourish the halls with endless music. The smallest resident, Maximus Musikus who also has a permanent residence in Harpa is involved in organizing various events for children all year round.